Tuesday, December 31, 2013


“According to Deuteronomy 6, the whole chapter invokes us believers to keep the Laws of Moses and the Ten Commandments.
We learn also in Jesus’ time  in (Matthew 22:34-40) about The Great Commandment which is described in (Deuteronomy 6) to keep as well, which is our Christian tradition handed down by God to us believers of Christian values, and not worldly traditions of assumptions to get God’s love through our deeds of following worldly traditions handed down throughout families, especially at Christmas time or at Easter time, which expects families to follow in culinary traditions to appease God in their up-keeping such traditions for their family’s approvals of them.
God Almighty has made it clear through His witness to Moses, and likewise corresponding through Jesus’ teachings on (Deuteronomy 6) through His ministry recorded in (Matthew  22:34-40;  Mark 12:28-34;  Luke 10:25-28) how He wants us to conduct our lives in pursuit of His traditions of The Great Commandment as He prescribed and not in man’ s oversight of them as He, Jesus, described in (Matthew 15:4-6 NKJV), “For God commanded, “Honour your Father and your mother;  and “He who curses father or mother;  let him be put to death.”  “But you say, “Whoever says to his father or mother, “Whatever profit you might have received from me has been dedicated to the temple” --- “is released from honouring his father or mother.”  “Thus you have made the commandment of God of no affect by your tradition.”  Jesus was speaking to the scribes and Pharisees who were questioning Jesus about keeping the tradition of the elders regarding ritual cleaning and the washing of hands before eating a meal.  Jesus knew the laws inside out, for remember He was raised a Jew and taught from the Torah.  Jesus stood on His foundations from Deuteronomy 6’s teachings and what Isaiah the Prophet had written in (Isaiah 29:13) in which Jesus then describes in  (Matthew 15:8-9) “These people draw near to me with their mouth, and honour me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.  And in vain they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.”
Therefore let us come together in prayer to renounce and doctrines of worshipping God through upholding traditions instead of the true tradition handed down to us through God’s Word from the Old Testament teachings and those recorded by the disciples in the New Testament, for our sakes and our family’s welfare, so that we may live according to The Great Commandment :
*”Lord Jesus we of the (your family name, then say the names of your immediate family members and their children (if any), repent of having failed to keep The Great Commandment, whenever we have complied to keeping up man’s traditions handed down from relatives of the past during the times of Christmas, New Year, and Easter celebrations as a devotion to tradition.
Lord Jesus, we have committed a grievous sin against you by following long old traditions to please men, rather than obey and follow your Commandments.
Lord Jesus you know everything in our past, which I now declare in Jesus’ name, through our repentance of these things now, entitles us to the blessings attached to following your Commandments mentioned in (Deuteronomy 6), which we now draw the bloodline of Jesus over to now recommit our lives to follow your traditions of The Great Commandment, as Jesus taught us in (Matthew 22:37-40) for this is how we choose to live now following your tradition in (Deuteronomy 6), by loving the Lord our God with all our hearts, with all our souls, and with all our minds.  Lord Jesus we rededicate ourselves to you as a living sacrifice of our love for you in obeying your Commandments and renouncing all mannerisms of appeasing others through our devotion to keep traditions against our free will which we choose to honour you in keeping the 5th Commandment, to honour and respect our Father and our mother, before we commit to do against their will by appeasing others who are still keeping their devotion to tradition whereby our Father and mother have recognized as a tradition of men rather than God’s Commandment.
Lord Jesus, you have claimed for me, (your family members names and their children) the righteousness of your blood shed at Calvary for my atonements (your family members names and their children), from such sins, and we now ask for your forgiveness and recompense to become more wise in obeying your Commandments before we stoop to obey the commandments of men, to appease them, before we follow our parent’s teaching in today’s Christian outlook of obeying your traditions and not giving into man’s favouritism by going against our family values, by up-keeping the honour and respect to our Father and mother as required by your Laws and Commandments, Amen.
Lord Jesus I, (your family members names and their children) are truly sorry for offending you in worshipping other idols when I, (your family members names and their children), have followed men’s commandments and devotion to tradition contrary to my Father and mother’s teachings, and I repent in dust and ashes for all mine, (your family members names and their children) sins on this account.
Lord Jesus have your way with me, and (your family members and their children) make us the kind of person you want us to be, and send us your Holy Spirit to enable us with the gift of discernment, obedience to your Laws, and committed lives to The Great Commandment, Amen, and wash us clean with your blood Jesus that we might be atoned to the Father, Amen.  So be it Lord Jesus to do it, and I draw the bloodline of Jesus over it all, Amen.”

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


“According to the dictionary means: assumed for the sake of reasoning; arrogance and presumption.
Jesus came that we might have truth in all its fullness.
When other doctrines are formed out of reasoning with the Bible – it becomes arrogance and presumption.
We who are Christians “Must” stand firm on the Bible principles, and what Jesus asked of all of us as professing Christians, which He declared to His apostles in (Luke 24:46-47) “The Messiah must suffer and rise from death three days later, and in His name the message about repentance and the forgiveness of sins must be preached to all nations beginning in Jerusalem.”  The foundational proof of Christians – which means followers of Christ adapting Christly based living as spoken in the Bible, for their own lives and teaching others, as well.
No presumption, no reasoning, just factual evidence of what God requires of us His creation from (Genesis 1) to (Revelation 22:18-22 NKJV) “For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book:  If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the book of life from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
“He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.”  Amen.  Even so come, Lord Jesus!
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.  Amen!”
If any of you have fallen victim to any false doctrines such as The Alpha Course, please say this repentance prayer for yourselves and your entire family members, to be released from the entrapment of sin which has come upon you from the “Hypothetically Incorrect Doctrine Lifestyle”:
*”My Lord and my God El Shaddai, I thankyou for your kindness and generosity in sending your beloved Son Jesus to die on the cross for my salvation and that of all mankind.
I am truly sorry for my part and my family’s part in that crucifixion of Jesus on that cross, and I thankyou Father my Lord El Shaddai, that Jesus now show us your way, your truth and your life for us now freed from all the past curses of oppression under the spirits of the strongman of hypothetically incorrect doctrine lifestyle we have been leading apart from your will in forsaking you – so in Jesus’ name, as directed by Him as is written in (Matthew 10:7-14), it is written “Go and preach the Kingdom of heaven is near!  Heal the sick, bring the dead back to life, heal those who suffer from dreaded skin diseases and drive out demons.”
So in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I take His authority within me as a child of God, and bind all the demonic forces of evil oppressing me, (your family members names), from the strongman of hypothetically incorrect doctrine lifestyle.
I command in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, that the demonic forces of the strongman of hypothetically incorrect doctrine lifestyle, be loosed in Jesus’ name off from me, (your family members names), and to go where Jesus has appointed for them.
Father in Jesus’ name, we repent in dust of all our sins through forsaking you on this account, and I now claim (Galatians 3:13) “That Jesus bore our sickness and infirmities on the cross,” so we have been set free as it is written in (John 8:36) “That he whom the Son sets free is free indeed.”  Amen, so in Jesus’ name, me, (your family members names), are free now in Jesus’ name to pursue your paths of righteousness forsaking all others for your glory alone.
I thankyou Father in Jesus’ name to allow us to do your will alone in our speech, in our deeds, and in our living for you alone and for our good, that we may know the freedom to choose what’s best for us, as the Holy Spirit instructs us to do in Jesus’ name, and that “we may distinguish between holy and unholy and between unclean and clean,” according to (Leviticus 10:10).
And in Jesus’ name I thankyou Father to send your Holy Spirit to shower me, (your family members names), with your abundance of grace, and that we enthrone Jesus as Lord in the first place of our hearts, Amen!
And in Jesus’ name we forgive and forget everything from ourselves and everybody, for everything past and for the present.
We thankyou Father to draw the Bloodline of Jesus over the whole matter, Amen!  So be it Lord Jesus come.  For it is no longer I but He who sent me, and He will do it alone, Amen!
For Thy glory my Lord El Shaddai, so be it Lord Jesus do it!” 




Wednesday, December 4, 2013


“Upset, is the rule of “Self-Pity and Living with a Mental Illness.”  When Jesus was announced    to be born in the town of Bethlehem by the three wise men who were from the east looking, for “Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea, during the time when Herod was king.  Soon afterwards, some men who studied the stars came from the east to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the baby born to be king of the Jews?  We saw His star when it came in the east, and we have come to worship Him.
When King Herod heard about this, he was very “upset,” and so was everyone else in Jerusalem.” (Matthew 2:1-3).
Herod’s upset state made everyone upset!
He could not stand the thought of a king superior to him.
We are all submissive to someone else, either it could be as a child to our parents, and further along submissive to our school teachers, and again further along in years when we seek employment, we become submissive to the authority over us for our pay of salary.  Further, along  in years we decide to marry – it doesn’t matter who it is – both man and woman must become submissive to one another’s needs as well.  What happens then when the children are born is – both husband and wife become submissive even more for each other’s needs to help with raising the family.
It is only when this form is interrupted in a family, or elsewhere in the work force, or as earlier mentioned in the classroom under the authority of the teacher, or even earlier in life when a child becomes upset to do their parent’s wishes, that Satan interferes with one’s thoughts of provocation in mind where to bring downcast thoughts of self-pity, which can lead to living with mental illness.
(Micah 3:12) tells us how, “You are supposed to be concerned about justice, yet you hate what is good and you love what is evil.”  Justice means (the quality of being just; straight; exact; complete; equitable; true; founded on fact; proper), these attributes are what God requires of us through being obedient to our parents in the first place, as He instructed us to do in the 5th Commandment, likewise as in the 1st, 2nd Commandments for God specifies clearly, “I bring punishment on those who hate me and on their descendants down to the third and fourth generations.  But I show My love to thousands of generations of those who love Me and obey My laws.” (Exodus 20:3-6).  This complete scenario is what has affected those who are in a “Self-Pity – Living with Mental Illness State of Life.”  From the very beginning of our lives we become under this order of submissive lifestyle to inherit all of God’s goodness as He promised to us all in (Deuteronomy 28:1-14) which hinges back onto all the Ten Commandments and especially from the beginning of our lives to, “Respect your father and your mother as I, the Lord your God, command you, so that all may go well with you and so that you may live a long time in the land that I am giving you.” (Deuteronomy 5:16)
Remember this: even Jesus was tempted to bow down to another idol and hate what is good when the devil promised Him in (Matthew 4:9) “All this I will give you,” the devil said, “if you kneel down and worship me.”

Then Jesus answered, “Go away, Satan!  The Scripture says, “Worship the Lord your God and serve only Him.”  Jesus knew who to serve for His life’s good.  For we must serve only the One True God, who “tolerates no rivals” (Exodus 20:5-6), and says to us all, “I bring punishment on those who hate Me and on their descendants down to the third and fourth generation.  But I show My love to thousands of generations of those who love and obey My laws.”  This in effect is how we should conduct our lives from the beginning to the end, in no matter what circumstance God honours us when we obey Him as described in all of the Ten Commandments, which leads us to further obedience to Him in our school days, our work days, our marriage and family days, to be fully committed to obeying His laws in obedience to Him – to love what is good and to hate what is evil.  Satan is the evil, and God is the good who will honour us all the days of our lives.  Whereas, on the other hand the devil brings dishonour into our midst with “Upset, Self-Pity – Living with Mental Illness,” which devastate one’s life and brings upset to all those who live with them.

My true aspirations here for this life’s lesson through obedience always being the principle factor to gain God’s approval of us, who in turn through our obedience to His laws gives to us all our needs met as described in the 5th Commandment.

If any of us have at some point of our lives not obeyed God’s Laws, please speak out this prayer of release, to enable God’s will back in our lives – to serve Him and no other god, as He has set for us in His Laws – The Ten Commandments, for His love shown to us who will choose to love and obey His Laws:

*”Lord Jesus, you alone are the Lord-and the Lord alone-is our God “For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not die but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 GNT).

Jesus you alone are the Most High Saviour of the world, who through your love of the Father, defeated the evil in the world, which undermines the true value of your Laws and Commandments.  Lord Jesus you obeyed all the Commandments and Laws of Moses as you declared in (Matthew 5:17-18 GNT) “Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets.  I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true.  Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the Law will be done away with – not until the end of all things.”  This concludes my identity as belonging to you Jesus.

I am truly sorry for my disobedience in the past, and any present sins I have been harbouring on this account.

Lord Jesus I am sorry for any self-pity I have had which has interrupted my obedience to the Laws and Commandments given me for my good which have resulted in any of my descendants in a ‘Self-Pity – Living with Mental Illness State of Life,” and being unable to detach themselves from it.  Lord Jesus you alone can heal us from the wounds self-pity has inflicted through our disobedient ways, to do as you have commanded us to be obedient so that all may go well with us and our descendants down to our third and fourth descendant.

Lord Jesus I repent of living a lifestyle of disobedience which has incurred loss of my free will to do what I have desired, and I have found myself in a pattern of down-troddedness in serving the “Self-Pity – Living with Mental Illness” constantly barraging my state of life again and again, without a reprieve away from it.

Lord Jesus you came that we might have to be saved from our mistakes of the past, and to fulfil our debt to society by your shed blood on the cross at Calvary as the fulfilment of our wages to death and sin.

Lord Jesus I cannot erase the past, but your precious blood Jesus can, and so I now draw the bloodline of Jesus over my past history of disobedience to your Laws and Commandments now and for all time, and I draw the bloodline of Jesus over the effects of my disobedience bringing punishment of “Self-Pity – Living with Mental Illness State of Life” which could well be inclined already in my descendants down to my third and fourth descendant.

Jesus you said on the cross, “It is finished,” I claim this for my life now that my past history of disobedience is finished, and now I enter your rest in obedience for you to care-take my life as in putting my faith in you Jesus alone as the Woman of Faith did when you set her daughter free from “a demon and is in terrible condition” (Matthew 15:23, 28) and as you told her, What you want will be done for you,” I claim this healing now on my life and my descendants down to my third and fourth descendant, Amen!   So be it Lord Jesus do it.