Wednesday, March 7, 2018


“When people go on their merry way, and do not consult with God on how He wants them to be compliant - in His will – this becomes a self-prioritisation – which means “self” is first thought and not God’s pattern for our designed life in His care, to choose His life’s outcomes for us as individuals, as a flock of followers – being the same, doing the same, and thinking the same – No!  (Romans 12:4-6) distinguishes how, although we are made up of one body – Christ is the head – and under His direction all the parts different, though the same – must use the different giftings to allow God to enhance their lives for God’s Kingdom come living in exhibition of His gifts, and not to hide them away, but to be sincere and loyal, giving thanks to Him with all He has given to us.
Most people who are hard-hearted – become toughened through an uncompassionate observance of others taking advantage of their gifts – for their own purposes – but never want to learn for themselves – this is a state of leadership crisis because one’s placement of barriers up around themselves against hurting people hurting them, becomes impenetrable to love and have any heart felt feelings towards other needy people.
This true identity crisis exhibits the personality of an undefeated person as a camouflage, to prevent their true feelings shown – of not letting their guard down for one minute.
This hard-hearted approach becomes a pattern of self-protection and preservation of their self-rights – no matter how you try – a conversation with people like that, is always turned around into a conversation about their self-rights.
My Lord Jesus gave up all His self-rights, when He became incarnate of the virgin Mary, was born and suffered on the cross for our transgressions – His self was never mentioned – the only time He spoke of Himself, was to teach about His Father – and that we should do the same, to love and serve others as unto His Father’s will too.
This pattern is what truly pleases Him – for as long as self-values is first in our lives – we can’t see the needs of other people as a necessary plight – but become judgemental in their progress not being in line with their opinionated judgement.
This factor of judgement becomes an, “I don’t care, they can do it for themselves” approach, rather than – “I will do what I can, and I will encourage them to adapt too.”  By doing this, you allow God to mould you and the others you are attending – whether it be in your work field, or in your personal circle of family and friends – when we become pliable and work with God to conform us into His purpose, we also become gentle hearted with the love of God’s heart in our actions, words, and deeds according to His will – and not a stubborn heart full of self-interests – with no feelings of compassion for anybody else’s needs.
This agenda of self-sufficiency, cannot endure for very long – because, it is a false trait of the person’s true identity, and not one that will win many heart’s approval – but backs them off to be alone in their own world – thinking and doing for themselves, and not sharing as the Scripture says in (Romans 12:7) “If it is to serve, we should serve, if it is to teach, we should teach.  If it is to encourage others, we should do so.  Whoever shares with others, should do it generously; whoever has authority should work hard; whoever shows kindness to others should do it cheerfully.”
Cheerfully – means happy to be of help and caring with unconditional loving.
My aim here is to point out the factors relating to a person’s true identity being hidden through a fear of being taken advantage of as in a previous relationship.
*” My wish Lord is to please you and to help others achieve their true worth goals for you – help me Jesus to repent of all the times, when I did use the hard-hearted approach to distance myself from being manipulated and disadvantaged.  I am truly sorry for this attitude of self-ambition, contrary to your will for me.  I relinquish all that I am to you.
Thank you Father to bring me into your true workmanship of my true giftings to be pliable in your hands for my good and for the good of others, and I repent of having a judgemental and opinionated attitude against others in need.  I thank you Father to give me the understanding I need, with a sincere loving heart, as you have taught me through your Holy Spirit – to be the person you have created me to be – loving, compassionate, and full of humility for the needs of others in my care, and that I do the very best that I can, and with your help I can do all things in Jesus’ name for your glory and my welfare, to be forgiving of all the people who took advantage of my kindness from the past and present, and in Jesus’ name I thank you Father to draw the bloodline of Jesus over the whole lot.  Amen!”
This will bring your pliability back into God’s hands, and to never allow yourself to become held by any disadvantageous persons again, to use or abuse the kindness you display for a genuine caring heart.
This statement of facts can apply to most people at some time in their lives, and it is our duty to lend a helping hand freely, to show how it’s done.  Sometimes actions are louder than words, and if we can pray the aforementioned prayer on their behalf, God will raise the curtain from their eyes to see His wonderments of serving with a true kind heart and not be wanting anything in return as a recognition of their good works – but satisfied in themselves, for doing the right thing always – with confidence in the Father’s choices to put them where they are needed most, to love in their service to others.”