Sunday, July 1, 2012


According to Matthew 10:17
“Watch out, for there will be those who will arrest you and take you to court.”

“Jesus is the way, the truth and the light, who will shine His truth on you for all to see and won’t be in the dimness of isolation, but in full view of witnesses who will proclaim your innocence of the charges brought against you.

Jesus is going to mend what was broken off of you – that void from the part ripped away from you – the ex-spouses position = filled. The empty nest syndrome = filled by the laughter of children. (Jeremiah 33:6, 7), “But I will heal this city and its people and restore them to health. I will show them abundant peace and security. I will make Judah and Israel prosperous, and I will rebuild them as they were before.” Before evil took a hold of everything we worked hard for. God will restore us all in the twinkle of an eye, our former prosperity, our former respectability, our former exuberence to live in the abundance of wanting to move ahead and be doers not just seekers sitting still. The Lord Jesus travelled from town to town giving refreshment to people who had no hope of any change. People just sitting in the midst of turmoil and devastation and not choosing to advance out of fear that they could lose something if change is approached.

Life is always moving onwards and waits for no one. Time affects every single one of us from the time of our conception we are ageing – even if we stood still and not moved – our bodies are built for change and adaptability to the changes without a tremendous negative effect occurring to stop the process of the bodies usual function – except one thing – the fiend of desolation – who is the evil one-Satan- who entraps people to fear change – just in case it might be worse off for them, and people resort to live in their miserable lives with lack and no growth – in the possibilities unknown brought to full fruition for their benefit by stepping out and trusting God that His Word is true “If God be for me, who can be against me? The Lord is my helper I will not fear.” (Hebrews 13:6) – This paragraph is the solution for change. God will not allow the change to hurt you because He puts the desire for change for the better and to, “Seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7). When we ask God for better things, it doesn’t mean to sit and wait for the better things to come to us automatically – it requires movement on our part as well.

God gives us the possibility thinking – we then ask God to help us – and then He gives us the instruction to move out of our comfort zone and go and receive what He has install for us where He has chosen in our best interests to be settled in the goodness of His blessings restored and not remain where it is obvious that God is not blessing us – there is no change in our circumstances – things begun years earlier are still unresolved and every now and then crop up to rob and steal from us our freedom for release from ever having a good ending to that particular outstanding debit against us.
“Free to be released lifestyle” means finished loose ends tied up and put where they belong – in the ended basket of our past life’s experiences – that we can now move forward to experience change in our lives for the better, growing in abundance and prosperity, “I will rebuild them as they were before.”(Jeremiah 33:7)

Remember all the hopes we kept in our hearts silent until they came apparent in our lives – well God is rekindling those desires of our future hopes of achievement- which are now attainable through the ended basket’s contents of all that was outstanding in our lives, connected to people who have no part in our lives today.

This is a prayer for that outstanding debit from our past – to be swiped paid and made void, by the precious blood of Jesus who submitted Himself to be that payment sacrifice of His life’s blood shed in payment for our debits outstanding, for us to be redeemed by “The Lord our Salvation” (Jeremiah 33:14) to end it all for us now with our request petitioning herein for the ended circumstances of our past, finalized and laid to rest in the Lord’s ended basket, for our life’s freedom to be released to “seek and find, knock and the door will be opened to us,” in God’s perfect will He orchestrates and instructs us to move out into His fields of opportunity to make a better life where He guides and leads us to rest in His abundances and provisions, exercising our free wills to do what we have always desired and hoped for our benefit in the future we expect fulfilled and abundantly blessed by “The Lord our Salvation.”

“Lord Jesus - you are – “The Lord our Salvation” bring us home Lord in the comfort of knowing your will and for us to have the determination “free to be released” from all the past indentures of the fiends robbery of our future destinies hopes and desires we once dreamed to fulfil in our lifetimes here on this your earth to be fulfilled in our best interests of advancement, which no longer are evident because of the loose ends still erupting for attention in our daily lives.

Lord Jesus you said on the cross at Calvary – that “it’s finished,” well Lord we now give you all the unfinished circumstances, all the unresolved to date financial and personal relationships which are hindering our advancement forward to receive all those hopes and dreams you birthed in us from the time of our conception, to now be redeemed through your resurrection on the third day – alive now and well informed on what my tasks are to be in the change for the better into your hands I now commit, have your way with me Lord, and give me understanding and your enlightenment through your Holy Spirit in how to approach outstanding matters to be ended and placed in your “ended basket” for the past and to now be renewed in newness of life in your care to be redeemed viable for your future input of all my hopes and desires of the past viable now as it was then before I sinned against you in disobeying your instructions when I moved out without your command and did what I thought would be in my life’s benefit – but has fallen and been nullified for my future ever benefitting from that encounter against your will.

Lord Jesus I repent of all the wrong decisions and moves I have made out of your will and approval. I now submit my entire life’s hopes, dreams and desires – back into your hands, for you are “The Lord of Salvation” of what was lost, now re-found and instigated once more to be viable as you pre-planned my life for your glory alone and my benefits alone, with those whom you have already planned to enter my life for your glory and my future prosperity and growth and re-establishment of all my desires fulfilment.

Lord Jesus I am sorry to have moved out in areas where you never asked me to go. I am now in your hands Lord of my salvation, keep me in your will Lord Jesus and help me not to stray to the right nor to the left of your path, but to remain focused only to move where you direct, with my full confidence in you, that no matter where I go in your will directorship, you are there ahead of me shining on my path, with my confidence and ease of mind in pursuing those chosen paths ahead of me by you, to the perfect dwelling of rest wherever you have already provided for my destiny.

Lord Jesus help me by your Holy Spirit’s anointing grace to help me to be made willing to follow your direction for my life now that the past offences hinder me no more to be free to be released into your Kingdom of perfection for me, Amen! And I now ask you Lord Jesus, to draw your precious blood over the whole lot of content from my past out of your will now contained in your ended basket, Amen! So be it Lord Jesus come, and do what you have in mind for my life’s pattern played out and completed in your will and my desires, hopes and dreams fulfilled so that I too may look back and say as you said in the creation of your world “It is good.” “And God was pleased with what He saw.”(Genesis 1,2).

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