Saturday, April 13, 2013


“Dear Lord Jesus I am truly sorry for all my sins of discriminatory.  I plead your cause for your precious blood shed at Calvary of the atonement, for my sins on this account.

Lord Jesus I recognize this is a generational bloodline curse within my family, which has been attracting the sorts of people, once discriminated against by my forebears and ancestors.

 Lord Jesus I truly believe that you died on the cross for my sins, therefore I repent of all the bloodline generational curses through “discriminatory” within my forebears and ancestors, is now cancelled in Jesus’ name, and I am repossessed  by the Lord Jesus once more for the freedom to be where I am, without any “discriminatory” present, and to make this a permanent reality, Lord Jesus I bind up in your precious name Jesus, all of the spirits of the strongman of “discriminatory” within myself (and my family members names), and we ask now Jesus for all those spirits of the strongman of “discriminatory” to now be loosed in Jesus’ name, and to go to where Jesus has allocated for them.  I thankyou Father to send your Holy Spirit to anoint me (and my family members names) with the perfection of your Kingdom, Amen!  So be it Lord Jesus do it, and I now draw the bloodline of Jesus over the whole lots, Amen!

Lord Jesus I thankyou now to give me (and my family members names) your clarity and discernment of who is from you in our life, and those whom you have entered into our lives as a result of the generational curses played out in our lives as the descendants of the past ancestors and forebears, down to the 3rd and 4th generation, Amen!

I now tell you Satan, you have no legal rights to oppress me (family members names) in this way again, and with “discriminatory” defeated, I tell you Satan leave us and go to where Jesus has given for you, and I lay our carnal defences at your feet Jesus, through the offences of discriminatory attacking us from the way, the truth, and the life Jesus died to give us.  Lord Jesus I now ask that your Holy Spirit be ever present within us all of the (your family’s surname and members names) which will enhance our understanding of the real friendships God has ordained, and those whom have entered against God’s will into our lives on account of doors of “discriminatory.”  I ask Jesus that you seal them shut with your precious blood, and receive us into your Kingdom come living here on earth, Amen!  So be it Lord Jesus do it, Amen!  For Thine glory Father God, Amen!

 Lord Jesus thankyou, Father God thankyou, and Holy Spirit thankyou for retrieving us to newness of life in Christ Jesus, Amen!  To Jesus be honour and glory, Amen!”  (Philippians 2:5-11)

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