Saturday, August 3, 2013


“Romans 11:25-36 through to Romans 12:1-21, reveals God’s sovereign truth about what He requires from us, His creation.  We are to take heed, and not listen to man’s standards of giving according to the law of the Old Testament of giving one tenth of our livelihood to the priests.  For the Lord Jesus said in (Matthew 22:37-40) “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest commandment.  The whole Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets depend on these two commandments.”

Once Jesus had died, the curtains of the temple were ripped in half, that no longer would the priests receive what had been the Levitical law, but now that Jesus had fulfilled His task to bring man’s sins  to be atoned through His shed blood at Calvary in place of the world’s system of paying taxes for our rights, He became our living sacrifice, that the law demanded, which you can read in (Galatians 3:13), in which Jesus’ Life blood was shed for 30 pieces of silver, and satan was defeated for 30 pieces of silver.

Jesus our Victor paid the price for our freedom, 30 pieces in earthly terms was His betrayal cost by Judas, who won the world’s salvation and redemption from sin to defeat satan’s hold.

For 30 pieces of silver satan was defeated and lost his power of tyranny over the world.  He lost it all for 30 pieces of silver – the cost for satan’s downfall paid by Christ through His shed blood at Calvary, who purchased us legally and bought our freedom through His atonement for our sins as (Galatians 3:13), clearly identifies the law’s cost for taking our place, thankyou Jesus You are my Redeemer and my Messiah from the evil deceit of satan’s plots to get me in his grips – but God, He has bought me paid in full with His blood, Amen!

So be it Lord Jesus do it, and may satan leave me and all my family now for the sake our blood bought right the 30 pieces of silver Jesus’ life cost to satisfy the law, Amen!

I am and my family members are redeemed from the curse of the law through Jesus’ bloodline drawn over all our perditions through sin’s hold now diminished, bound up and loosed in Jesus’ name from me, and all my family members, Amen!

This therefore, is what God’s mercy on all, requires for us to praise God, in our life in God’s service, according to (Romans: 11-36; 12:1-21 GNT) conclusively for today’s giving: “There is a secret truth, my friends, which I want you to know, for it will keep you from thinking how wise you are.  It is that the stubbornness of the people of Israel is not permanent, but will last only until the complete number of Gentiles comes to God.  And this is how all Israel will be saved.  As the Scripture says, “The Saviour will come from Zion and remove all wickedness from the descendants of Jacob.  I will make this covenant with them when I take away their sins.”
Because they reject the Good News, the Jews are God’s enemies for the sake of you Gentiles.  But because of God’s choice, they are His friends because of their ancestors.  For God does not change His mind about whom He chooses and blesses.  As for you Gentiles, you disobeyed God in the past; but now you have received God’s mercy because the Jews were disobedient.  In the same way, because of the mercy that you have received, the Jews now disobey God, in order that they also may now receive God’s mercy.  For God has made all people prisoners of disobedience, so that He might show mercy to them all.
How great are God’s riches!  How deep are His wisdom and knowledge!  Who can explain His decisions?  Who can understand His ways?  As the Scripture says, “Who knows the mind of the Lord?  Who is able to give Him advice?  Who has ever given Him anything, so that He had to pay it back?
For all things, exist through Him and for Him.  To God be the glory forever!  Amen.
So then, my friends, because of God’s mercy to us I appeal to you:  Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to His service and pleasing to Him.  This is the true worship that you should offer.  Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind.  Then you will be able to know the will of God – what is good and is pleasing to Him and is perfect.
And because of God’s gracious gift to me I say to every one of you:  Do not think of yourself more highly than you should.  Instead, be modest in your thinking, and judge yourself according to the amount of faith that God has given you.  We have many parts in the one body, and all these parts have different functions.  In the same way, though we are many, we are one body in union with Christ, and we are all joined to each other as different parts of one body.  So we are to use our different gifts in accordance with the grace that God has given us.  If our gift is to speak God’s message, we should do it according to the faith that we have; if it is to serve, we should serve; if it is to teach, we should teach; if it is to encourage others, we should do so.  Whoever shares with others should do it generously; whoever has authority should work hard; whoever shows kindness to others should do it cheerfully.
Love must be completely sincere.  Hate what is evil, hold on to what is good.  Love one another warmly as Christians, and be eager to show respect for one another.  Work hard and do not be lazy.  Serve the Lord with a heart full of devotion.  Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in your troubles, AND PRAY AT ALL TIMES.
Share your belongings with your needy fellow Christians, and open your homes to strangers.
Ask God to bless those who persecute you – yes, ask Him to bless, not curse.  Be happy with those who are happy, weep with those who weep.  Have the same concern for everyone.  Do not be proud, but accept humble duties.  Do not think of yourselves as wise.
If someone has done you wrong, do not repay him with a wrong.  Try to do what everyone considers to be good.  Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody.  Never take revenge, my friends, but instead let God’s anger do it.  For the Scripture says, “I will take revenge, I will pay back, says the Lord.”  Instead as the Scripture says:  “If your enemies are hungry, feed them; if they are thirsty, give them a drink; for by doing this you will make them burn with shame.”
Do not let evil defeat you; instead conquer evil with good.”
The Apostle Paul has clarified us in which way God is honoured by our sacrifice of ourselves, as a living sacrifice for His good works through us, which leads us to the question of tithing –We need to pray and enquire of God’s will in how much He requires us to give in the collection at church, or for any giving to clergy, mission, or fund to enrich the church through God’s provision for it alone, which is all that He requires of us to give Him thanks.”

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