Tuesday, November 5, 2013



1. Not compatible; incapable of existing together in harmony.
2. Contrary or opposed in character; discordant.
3. That cannot coexist or be conjoined.

(Psalm 94:13-15) “You give them rest from days of trouble until a pit is dug to trap the wicked.  The Lord will not abandon those who belong to Him.  Justice will again be found in the courts, and all righteous people will support it.”

I will now invite you to be freed from incompatibility’s hold on your life, saying out loud this prayer of repentance for the remission of your sins and those of your loved ones -

*”Lord Jesus you know the trials and the tribulations I have endured throughout these past years of disharmony within my family’s circles, of friends,  relationships and the like.

Lord Jesus I am interceding on behalf of myself, (your family members) to be put right with you Lord Jesus in our transgressions against you to be remitted from us once and for all in connection with “incompatibility” existing in our midst, to keep us from having loving relationships, enduring together through the tough times and in the good times.

Lord Jesus we are truly sorry on this account for all the times we have abandoned one another within our family to have only resentment and offence with one another, which has declined all our aspects to be able to live compatibly together.

Lord Jesus you alone can be our Saviour from “incompatibility’s” hold and restraints upon each one of us belonging to our family, which has been devastated and ravaged by sin’s hold of "incompatibility’s” reign and rule becoming principally evident in our family gatherings, to withhold us back from truly genuine encounters of approaching each other with a loving heartfelt encounter of true emotions expressed being withheld from us all (you, and your family members names).

Lord Jesus I am truly sorry on behalf of myself and (family members names) for omitting true genuine love’s compatibility from entering our family’s fellowshipping together.

Lord Jesus I now ask for your pardoning of this heinous sin against your principals for a loving family’s establishment on your compatible love to now be re-instated to last our whole life through together and to be passed onto our own loving descendants as well to partake of your blessings of inheritance through us, that nothing shall by any means harm us, for if God be for us who can be against us?  The Lord is our helper, we shall not fear, what can anyone do to us apart from His will – nothing!  (Hebrews 13:5-8).

Lord Jesus the hurts and fears which have haunted us over the past years have now been erased by your precious blood which I now ask you Jesus to pour out over me and (your family members names) which has been our salvation from  your righteousness and truth filled lives now to be evident in our hearts filled with love for one another now, and a desire and a willingness to be around each other once more in harmony and compatibility’s rule and reign in our heart’s love-felt desires for one another, as you commanded us Lord Jesus as being the greatest  commandment, to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and the most important  commandment.

The second most important commandment is like it; Love your neighbour as you love yourself. The whole law of Moses and the prophets depend on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-39).

Now Lord Jesus we acknowledge your truth in how to conduct your love for us out to one another, we thank you to conglomerate and secure our family’s steadfastness securely on you Lord Jesus alone for one another in my family circle of me, (your family members names) that we might share in your inheritance from the Father’s love through you Jesus who sent you Jesus, His only beloved Son because He loves us as well as you, to redeem us from the curses laid upon us of the incompatible, to be changed and transformed Jesus into your likeness of the Father’s love, unified, compatible in all our ways and loving as you commanded us to do for “Love covers a multitude of sins.” 

(Proverbs 10:12) and Jesus you are love in all its perfection, grant us your perfection Father God in your perfect love displayed in Jesus’ compatibility with you in our family’s unity once more and for always in loving you, for by Jesus’stripes we have now been healed and made whole complete lacking in nothing in Jesus’ name, Amen!

So be it Lord Jesus to do it!  And I now draw the precious bloodline of Jesus over all my family and I, that no weapons formed against us shall prosper but every tongue which rises up against us, He will show to be in the wrong, for this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and our righteousness is in Him Christ Jesus, who has lovingly joined and unified and made compatible in His image with the  Father and the Holy Spirit, all my family members and I together again in one accord “All for one, and one for All” Amen!  Together with the Holy Spirit’s grace within us all now and for always, Amen, to the glory of the Father in Jesus’ name be done unto us all, as we would want for each other in our family unit, and our friendships and relationships, Amen!  So be it Lord Jesus to do it, Amen!”









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