Thursday, March 17, 2016


“According to (Matthew 18:6 GNT) “If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose his faith in Me, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the deep sea.”
The reason for financial failure comes from the curse of financial disarray in one’s family background, causing a financial unprofitability to occur in one of the family’s members, to recur again and again in one’s generational bloodline, so as to continue its rummaging of financial gain – not possible – only to make an indentured lifestyle of indebtedness lifestyle apparent, to overwhelming proportions of losses, due to the unravelling of all financial disarray made possible through the generational bloodline curses of Indentured lifestyle of indebtedness lifestyle.  This will hamper progress taking place, for it is written that we are to depend on God for all our provisions, for Jesus taught His disciples in (Matthew 6:26 GNT) “Look at the birds: they do not plant seeds, gather a harvest and put it in barns; yet your Father in heaven takes care of them!  Aren’t you worth much more than birds?”  Therefore, why worry for what you need, for God provides for those who love Him always, and it’s only when we “mistrust” that we lose out on His abundances of His supplying for our needs met to His destiny for us, that Satan lives up to his standards to destroy and kill off any potential of success ever eventuating for the long run, to gain trust again by having the Holy Spirit enhance that trust so that it will have a chance to regain the composure of trustworthiness to those whom God delights to bring forward to spend their lives together, with us included.
To enable this blockade to be removed and to have trust regained, we need to enhance our trust and faith to regain the will of God back – this is a prayer of release – 
”Lord Jesus I trust you with all my heart and soul.  Enable me by the Holy Spirit to be able to gain the trustworthiness of those to whom you have allowed into my life to share and to be included into theirs.
Lord Jesus I place this need into your loving hands and, I praise you in Jesus’ name Father God for over-seeing all my needs for future commitments to be allowed in trustworthiness enhanced to them and to me, in Jesus’ name I will forevermore trust, Amen!  So be it Lord Jesus to do it!  God is and God will provide for the outcomes according to His destiny plan for me and those whom He has chosen for me and my family to share and be included in their lives too.”

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