Friday, June 29, 2012


“Lord Jesus, you have conquered the conning spirit of deceitfulness and robbery of ones’ free will to do according to their desires. Jesus you bought our freedom on the cross at Calvary, ripping the curtain of secrecy and deceitfulness in two never to be joined again. Lord we of the of the _______family wish to be used by you for your purposes alone, but as long as we are hiding behind the curtain of deceit and secrecy – we are conning those whom we are interacting our lives with. Deceit and secrecy are the inhibitors for our disunity and conning one another in our families.

Lord Jesus, I pray that with your two-edged sword of your truth, to cut off of us of the _______family, me and (first names of your family), all the deceit and secrecy which has inhibited us to con one another to believe what we say and what we do for particular motives as a true sensor of our care and concern for each other. Lord you know our hearts, and if there is any conning present, please Lord Jesus forgive us for entertaining conning through secrecy and deceitfulness for the outcomes we are seeking contrary to your will for us, and if there is any deceitfulness still held up in our bodies, Father God in Jesus’ name we relinquish it all over to you through Jesus our intercessor who has redeemed us from the curses of sin and death through the law of conning to apprehend our will to receive favour amongst men and women and children.

Lord I am deeply sorry for my actions with this regard, and intercede to you on behalf of my family members, for entertaining the conning of our family values to be deceitful and full of secrecy’s manipulation, and then to believe that it is your will in thus doing so. Lord Jesus, we have been deceived long enough and I now repent of our giving into the foe maligns temptation to believe his lies and falling victim to his conning us to believe his lies to have and to hold what we desire through those outcomes of lies, deceit and secrecy, and to withhold from being our true selves without fear, and without any discretion towards those who belong to our family circle.

Jesus we commit our lives to serving you alone. Have your way with us Lord, and bring us to life in your ways, your truths and in your life to be all that we can in honesty, integrity and loyalty, and if we have any concerns regarding each other, that we may confidently speak up in truth and let the captives free with your truth in what we say and do, and to be receptive also to receive from others in our family the discretion of their word to clear up differences as well as us having a grudge against one another for undisclosed truths about each other.

Conning has no place among my family’s life and mine, and so we now hand it over to you Lord Jesus to wipe away from me and (first names of family) lives with your precious blood Jesus, that in your love we can forgive and be forgiven. Lord Jesus come into our hearts to rule and reign for all time, and we commit once and for all, our lives to be honest, diligent and loyal in up-keeping your family values to serve one another as unto the Lord Jesus with a true nature, and to drop all secrecies’ and deceitfulness’ lies and interaction with conning forever, Amen!

Lord Jesus you know it all from the beginning to the end, which we choose for you to end it now from our lives of the_______ family, me and (first names of your family), and to now draw the bloodline Jesus of your precious blood over all the conning from our lives past, present and in for our future destinies, that we now walk with you Jesus forevermore.

Amen! So be it Lord Jesus come.”

“THE LORD’S PROMISES OF TRUTH” According to Psalm 105

“Jesus proclaimed God’s truth in all His actions and according to Psalm 105, carried out God’s covenant of grace for His people as a reminder of His promises to Abraham (Genesis 17:2). God’s loyalty to this covenant is seen throughout history. The Bible is the story of God’s covenant of grace for His people’s redemption from the cons of life, robbing His people’s destinies from His plans for them, in succumbing to sin through the deception and secrecies of con’s instrument to rob, steal and deceive into thinking that bad is good, and good is bad.

Psalm 105, describes the activities of men and women and children out of bondage – free to walk His paths. God has always provided a deliverer – He set Abraham on His course of leadership, Moses, Jacob and many others. The Lord our God has always provided for His peoples’ destinies into the good out of the bad.

Conning – to swindle; defraud, to deceive with intent to gain some advantage. (Short for confidence trick). All these interpretations of what a con is, makes sense to our understanding on what conning does, and how it interacts in our families lives. People think that they can get away with it, but God, He will repay for the hurts it causes and allows Satan to have his way and rip families apart, but in the midst of it all He gives inspiration to His loyal member – and there is one in every family – whom God interrupts from doing as all the others are doing, to become His follower and play the part of deliverer for that family, bringing in Jesus who is the only way, and the only truth, and the only life planner for the final outcome of unity reclaimed in Him once and for all time to come.

God sends His Holy Spirit to ascertain in one’s life the real promises of God’s intent – for He so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life with Him (John 3:16). God knows His creation well enough to know that Satan cons, and man falls for his deceit and trickery for their gain, making bad look good and powerful, and good to look powerless – but in the meantime all is proven – don’t look at how one starts off, but how they finish is the importance of life’s journey.

God raised us up as lights “for the whole world” (Matthew 5:14). God has planned our life’s redemption so that we can lead those who are still in darkness – that conning brings – out into the light with truth and honesty, and integrity, and loyalty at the helm – Jesus the light of the world (John 4:21) is the only way out of slavery and the darkness of conning brings. So God raises up believers amidst the conning, for each family to have a light to the Father who is Jesus, and He guides and directs the believer’s ways to be upheld in His truths alone, with the Hoy Spirit’s help in interceding prayers for the needs of the family’s welfare, that through God’s deliverance received through intercessory prayer by the believer to Jesus, who then intercedes to the Father, enlightenment is shown upon all the family’s outcome to be honourable and see the errors of their ways and to see the harm in the wrongs of conning, so that in the repentance substitution for their sins by the believer – God is faithful and remembers His promises to our forefather Abraham and brings deliverance through Jesus into our families to regain and be reclaimed back into His dominionship and care, and to be receptive to the on goings of the believer’s connection for the good outcomes related with God Almighty, who delivers all from the evil of bad to no longer look good, but to be evident as the bad that it is, no longer to be appetising to get favour from men, but the evil it causes to lose rather than to gain any benefits in the final outcome at the end of it all.

The Holy Spirit will convict the doers of the conning, that they will no longer be entertained to con anyone again, because it has no value to them any longer and someone will have to pay in the end for the conning’s results – them, who in turn will be conned as well. Satan gives, demanding payment for his tricks – but God gives abundantly for one’s turning from sin that conning brings, and gives relief of mind and peace unsurmountable in their lives which cannot be moved by the deceitful conning of past attempts, to get through wrong channels of deception and secrecy.

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but “His Spirit fills us with power, love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7), for His advantage to lead us out of captivity with His Son’s directorship and redemption for families out of bondage into freedom, to be who He purposed us to be for His glory – for Solomon concludes with one of his wisest statements in the Book of Ecclesiastes 12:13, “After all this, there is only one thing to say: Have reverence for God, and obey His commands, because this is all that we were created for. God is going to judge everything we do, whether good or bad, even things done in secret.”