Tuesday, April 10, 2018


“The Bible tells us in (Philippians 4:13) “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”    And in (John 10:10) “The thief’s purpose is to steal and destroy.  My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” 

This is the truth Jesus taught us, to be content in all things and grateful for all that we do have and He will add more of the good things to us.  But discontentment robs gratefulness from unsuspecting people who dismiss any ideas of joy.  Discontentment is the feeling of desiring that which one doesn’t have, and is a form of idolatry, mistrusting of God, and discontentment amounts to complaining against God’s plan, and wanting what we can’t have, relying on self alone to have, and get what one wants, when that particular thing and cause of discontentment is continually focused upon, rather than to trust God with His judgements for our provisions.  Therefore, giving access to the devil who is the thief, whose purpose is to steel and destroy, even to the point of extreme causes to interfere with the faculty of a person, to disable a normal lifestyle of joy, and the loss of ordinary physical, and mental abilities.  If this has happened to you, or anyone you know, here is a prayer of release for you, or to intercede for another by putting their name in wherever “I and me” is mentioned –

*”Lord Jesus, I am truly sorry for having discontentment as my idol to bow down to whenever my thoughts have gone astray from your good will and plans for me.  I am truly sorry for behaving in a manner of ungratefulness, adhering to the discontentment wherever I cannot have what I desire.  I am deeply sorry for offending you Lord Jesus in not relying on your judgements and plans for my life, rather to the contrary I have rejected all your joy in my life for what I truly have from you already.
Lord Jesus I am truly sorry for the way I have abandoned my faith in your provisions for me, wanting what I have wanted, when I wanted.  Truly, truly Lord Jesus, I renounce Satan the thief who has come to steal and destroy my joy, disregarding you Lord Jesus that your Word specifically states, “My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”
I am sorry for not trusting in you Lord Jesus with my life’s needs, and I repent in dust and ashes for replacing your joy with discontentment.  I thank you Lord Jesus to forgive me of all my sins of idolatry of discontentment which has drawn my focus away from the truth, the way, and the life Jesus you died on the cross at Calvary to pay for my sins, relying heavily on myself which has brought loss of faculty and a disease into my life, forgetting your word of truth in (Philippians 4:13) “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Father God, I am truly sorry for offending you, and truly believe, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16).  I thank you Father in Jesus’ name to wash me with the precious blood of Jesus, giving me back the joy of the Lord which is my strength and salvation.  I thank you Father in Jesus’ name, to send me the Holy Spirit to fill in all those places now made void within me, with the abilities and talents to worship and praise you in all things, trusting solely on you to provide for my life’s needs, with my faculty means restored to have physical power, capability, facility, potential, propensity, wherewithal, preparedness, and a grateful and thankful heart, for I know and believe that God is and God will provide.  So be it Lord Jesus to do it, and I draw the bloodline of Jesus over the whole lots, Amen!  Thank you Father, thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit, for the joy in my salvation in Christ Jesus, Amen!”               

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


“When people go on their merry way, and do not consult with God on how He wants them to be compliant - in His will – this becomes a self-prioritisation – which means “self” is first thought and not God’s pattern for our designed life in His care, to choose His life’s outcomes for us as individuals, as a flock of followers – being the same, doing the same, and thinking the same – No!  (Romans 12:4-6) distinguishes how, although we are made up of one body – Christ is the head – and under His direction all the parts different, though the same – must use the different giftings to allow God to enhance their lives for God’s Kingdom come living in exhibition of His gifts, and not to hide them away, but to be sincere and loyal, giving thanks to Him with all He has given to us.
Most people who are hard-hearted – become toughened through an uncompassionate observance of others taking advantage of their gifts – for their own purposes – but never want to learn for themselves – this is a state of leadership crisis because one’s placement of barriers up around themselves against hurting people hurting them, becomes impenetrable to love and have any heart felt feelings towards other needy people.
This true identity crisis exhibits the personality of an undefeated person as a camouflage, to prevent their true feelings shown – of not letting their guard down for one minute.
This hard-hearted approach becomes a pattern of self-protection and preservation of their self-rights – no matter how you try – a conversation with people like that, is always turned around into a conversation about their self-rights.
My Lord Jesus gave up all His self-rights, when He became incarnate of the virgin Mary, was born and suffered on the cross for our transgressions – His self was never mentioned – the only time He spoke of Himself, was to teach about His Father – and that we should do the same, to love and serve others as unto His Father’s will too.
This pattern is what truly pleases Him – for as long as self-values is first in our lives – we can’t see the needs of other people as a necessary plight – but become judgemental in their progress not being in line with their opinionated judgement.
This factor of judgement becomes an, “I don’t care, they can do it for themselves” approach, rather than – “I will do what I can, and I will encourage them to adapt too.”  By doing this, you allow God to mould you and the others you are attending – whether it be in your work field, or in your personal circle of family and friends – when we become pliable and work with God to conform us into His purpose, we also become gentle hearted with the love of God’s heart in our actions, words, and deeds according to His will – and not a stubborn heart full of self-interests – with no feelings of compassion for anybody else’s needs.
This agenda of self-sufficiency, cannot endure for very long – because, it is a false trait of the person’s true identity, and not one that will win many heart’s approval – but backs them off to be alone in their own world – thinking and doing for themselves, and not sharing as the Scripture says in (Romans 12:7) “If it is to serve, we should serve, if it is to teach, we should teach.  If it is to encourage others, we should do so.  Whoever shares with others, should do it generously; whoever has authority should work hard; whoever shows kindness to others should do it cheerfully.”
Cheerfully – means happy to be of help and caring with unconditional loving.
My aim here is to point out the factors relating to a person’s true identity being hidden through a fear of being taken advantage of as in a previous relationship.
*” My wish Lord is to please you and to help others achieve their true worth goals for you – help me Jesus to repent of all the times, when I did use the hard-hearted approach to distance myself from being manipulated and disadvantaged.  I am truly sorry for this attitude of self-ambition, contrary to your will for me.  I relinquish all that I am to you.
Thank you Father to bring me into your true workmanship of my true giftings to be pliable in your hands for my good and for the good of others, and I repent of having a judgemental and opinionated attitude against others in need.  I thank you Father to give me the understanding I need, with a sincere loving heart, as you have taught me through your Holy Spirit – to be the person you have created me to be – loving, compassionate, and full of humility for the needs of others in my care, and that I do the very best that I can, and with your help I can do all things in Jesus’ name for your glory and my welfare, to be forgiving of all the people who took advantage of my kindness from the past and present, and in Jesus’ name I thank you Father to draw the bloodline of Jesus over the whole lot.  Amen!”
This will bring your pliability back into God’s hands, and to never allow yourself to become held by any disadvantageous persons again, to use or abuse the kindness you display for a genuine caring heart.
This statement of facts can apply to most people at some time in their lives, and it is our duty to lend a helping hand freely, to show how it’s done.  Sometimes actions are louder than words, and if we can pray the aforementioned prayer on their behalf, God will raise the curtain from their eyes to see His wonderments of serving with a true kind heart and not be wanting anything in return as a recognition of their good works – but satisfied in themselves, for doing the right thing always – with confidence in the Father’s choices to put them where they are needed most, to love in their service to others.”

Sunday, January 28, 2018


“According to (2 Timothy 1:3-7 GNT)  “I give thanks to God, whom I serve with a clear conscience, as my ancestors did.  I thank Him as I remember you always in my prayers night and day.  I remember your tears, and I want to see you very much, so that I may be filled with joy.  I remember the sincere faith you have, the kind of faith that your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice also had.  I am sure that you have it also.  For this reason I remind you to keep alive the gift that God gave you when I laid my hands on you.  For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead His Spirit fills us with power, love and self-control.”
This Scripture indicates the right Spirit of God within us, will lead us and prompt us to have a right standing with God at all times of joy, and love, and gratitude in the things we already have, and not the things that we seek at times, to make us happy.  A spirit of fear lurks around to bring a timidity (frightened, and faint-hearted, cowardly) expression on life with a powerless lack of self-control.  These aspects can thwart (hinder and frustrate) a person’s joy in the things one already has, for always wanting more, and never being satisfied, but rather frustrated, wanting more items, or people that will make them happy.  Jesus warned us in (Matthew 16:1-4 GNT) “Some Pharisees and Sadducees who came to Jesus wanted to trap Him, so they asked Him to perform a miracle for them, to show that God approved of Him.  But Jesus answered, “When the sun is setting, you say, “We are going to have fine weather, because the sky is red.”  And early in the morning you say, “It is going to rain, because the sky is red and dark.”  You can predict the weather by looking at the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs concerning these times!  How evil and godless are the people of this day!  No!  The only miracle you will be given is the miracle of Jonah!”  Jesus had performed many miracles, but yet it wasn’t enough to satisfy those who would not acknowledge them, except for the miracle of Jonah, that Jesus would ultimately give all the world to witness, that of His death on the cross, and three days later His resurrection from the dead to life.  Ingratitude for the things we already possess, will bring a lack of self-control, and missing out on enjoying the things God has already placed into our possession – our life is a miracle, and His gift of faith within us is another miracle, the family we are a part of is another miracle, and lastly but not least, the unfathomable love and forgiveness of the Lord Jesus when we turn away from Him, seeking our joy in things, rather than holding dear to us what we already possess with a grateful heart of thanksgiving and praises to the one and only Provider of our joy and life needs – Jesus!
If by any chance, you have been caught up in timidity or lack of self-control, and are seeking to be happy and have a mindful approach of wanting to be grateful and wanting to be satisfied, here is a prayer, where Jesus can sustain our every desire, and to our joy the things He has already miraculously given us –
*”Lord Jesus, to you I give my thanks for all the miracles of your provisions in my life.  I am grateful for the joy you sustain me with in seeing through your eyes of love and a grateful heart to acknowledge what is already mine from you.  I am deeply sorry Jesus for all the times I’ve missed it, wanting more to make me happy and not exercising the gift of self-control in making decisions and choices for my life, which has drawn me apart from being confident and empowered by the Holy Spirit to discern what my needs really are, and just wanted what I thought would make me happy.  I have sinned against you Lord Jesus, and I now lay at the foot of your cross, all the wonderments of your love through the miracles you have already given me, which I have forsaken and forgotten, and wanted more of what I believed would make me happy and fill my life with joy.  I now draw the bloodline of Jesus over the whole lot, and I let go and let God on them all.
I ask you Lord Jesus to fulfil in me your every desire to bless me with your miracles, as it is written in (Psalm 116:7 GNT) “Be confident, my heart, because the Lord has been good to me.”

Monday, January 1, 2018


“According to the Scripture of (Matthew 18:23-35 NKJV) we have a perfect mandate how to count our pluses and not our losses, through our forgiveness of those who have planned and undermined us in any ways to get us into troubles or heartbreaking times – “Therefore the kingdom of God is like a certain king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.  And when he had begun to settle accounts, one was brought to him, who owed him ten thousand talents.  But as he was not able to pay, his master commanded that he be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and that payment be made.  The servant fell down before him, saying, “Master, have patience with me, and I will pay you all.”  Then the master of that servant was moved with compassion, released him, and forgave him the debt.  But that servant went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii; and he laid hands on him and took him by the throat, saying, “Pay me what you owe me!”  So his fellow servant fell down at his feet and begged him, saying, “Have patience with me, and I will pay you all!”  And he would not, but went and threw him into prison till he should pay the debt.  So when his fellow servants saw what had been done, they were very grieved, and came and told their master all that had been done.  Then his master, after he had called him, said to him, “You wicked servant!  I forgave you all that debt because you begged me.  Should you not also have had compassion on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?”  And his master was angry, and delivered him to the servants until he should pay all that was due to him.  “So my heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from the heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses.” 
This stern warning by Jesus is for our good life counting our pluses and not regarding our losses, through bad-mouthing anyone who has wronged us in any way, but to forgive them and letting go of them and letting God on them all.  This is the only way God can bless us through our moving forward counting our pluses of blessings through Jesus, who shed His blood on the cross at Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins, and likewise setting an example for the way we must conduct ourselves as Jesus was crucified for all our transgressions we can also lay at the foot of the cross all our transgressors’ sins against us, and by the blood of  Jesus be cleansed and purified and resurrected from the past into the beautiful future Jesus acclaimed for us in doing His Father’s will, setting the example of love for everyone who is in our life, without holding any grudges against those of whom we no longer have a communicative relationship.  Forgiving, immediately those whom are near and dear to us.
Here is a prayer for forgiving those of whom we no longer have a relationship with, but we are still feeling the hurt they inflicted upon us.  Harbouring un-forgiveness will only remind us constantly of the unjust treatment served us, for it is time we moved forward and give all our losses to Jesus, and acknowledge HIM with thanksgiving for all the pluses He has made available to us –
*”Almighty God and Father, in Jesus’ name I give you thanks for all the pluses in my life, and I now choose to leave all my losses with you Lord Jesus, and in your precious name Jesus, I can now forgive all my adversaries of the losses past of the losses, and lay them all the foot of the cross Lord Jesus, and with humble thanksgiving for your forgiveness of all my sins, I now draw the bloodline of Jesus over all the adversaries, and I let go of them all and I let God on them all, Amen!
So be it Lord Jesus to do it, for God is and God will always provide for me, to disregard the losses by never bringing them up with bad-mouthing anyone, which will be beneficial to me, and give you the honour and the glory Jesus for all the pluses instead!  Amen!”