Thursday, July 10, 2014


(Acts 21:32) “And now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.” “The apostle Paul had no distinctions between men and women, Jew or Gentile, for his claim in (Galatians 3:28) tells us, “So there is no difference between Jews or Gentiles, between slaves and free people, between men and women; you are all one in union with Christ Jesus.” This then is our right to conduct ourselves in the calling He alone Jesus Christ, has called us to be His witnesses in a world of loss of one’s identity through criticism or antagonistic attacks on their credibility of their beliefs and faith in the Lord Jesus and His provisions for their life, amongst the unbelievers who continue to ridicule and make fun of their tactics of faith living by God’s standards and not worrying for anything, but by living a life of “Gladness of His Tidings,” always content and serene, and not wavering to and throw in a sea of uncertainty and fearfullness of demise in one’s living standards or hopes and dreams shattered by “disappointments prevailing curses,” to steal, cheat out of, and rob one of their hopes and dreams fulfilled by God’s promises to them of future events coming to pass in due time, dismissed by a failure of the evidence before them as such in the time they expected for them to come about evidently so.

Jesus never said that it would be easy following Him, but told us in (Matthew 15:10-11) “Listen and understand! It is not what goes into your mouth that makes you ritually unclean; rather comes out of it makes you unclean.” We all presume that just because one person has given their life over to Christ they are saved for life, no! Whenever we doubt God’s Word being the truth, or whenever we criticise or make fun of people who do not do things as we would do them, this is actually the unclean that Jesus spoke about. (Matthew 10:10) gives us a clear instruction of how our conduct should be always trusting Him with gladness for our every need, but never as beggars or impoverished, showing always our “Gladness of His tidings” in all our needs met, as He told us, “Do not carry a beggar’s bag for the journey or a spare shirt or shoes or a walking-stick. Workers should be given what they need.” Here is our conduct plan, to never be anxious for anything, and “Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking Him with a thankful heart. And God’s peace which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7).

This then is how we should pray for “Gladness of His Tidings”:

*”Dear Lord Jesus, I have lost my faith at times to unclean thoughts and words I have spoken contrary to what I believe you have told me of future events coming to pass in my life, and those of my family members.Lord Jesus, you warned us of the unclean from our mouths, as words spoken and not the food we eat. I am at fault of having an unclean spirit, and not having a gladness and a joy of
expectation of your tidings daily for me. Lord Jesus, disappointment and doubt have weighed me down at times, with doubt and unbelief for those awaited tidings eventuating ever, at all.

Lord Jesus, I have lost my joy when I have not seen the fruit of my hopes and desires, and prayer petitions to you not yet at hand and evident in my life, or those of my family. Please Lord Jesus, have mercy upon me for I have sinned against you with doubt and unbelief, and a disappointed heart, where from arrogant words of pridefulness have been spoken against you in the times when I have been disappointed and spoken out in my defence of my faithfulness and justification rights to you.
Lord Jesus, I now acknowledge how unclean I am, and ask for your cleansing of all my uncleanness with your precious blood to wash over me inside out, spirit, mind, will, and emotions, that I might always have gladness of heart in the waiting on you to bring all my prayer requests to fruition, and the evidence to be seen by all, with my giving you always the glory, and not for myself in anything I have done to receive the expected and the awaited.

Lord Jesus, I thank you to change my heart, thought and words to line up with yours, in (Matthew 5:16) “Your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.” So I choose to do likewise Jesus, and may your light shine through me out to others, that they may be drawn to you and receive your blessings too, Amen! To the glory of the Father in Jesus’ name I pray with Gladness of His tidings always, and may the Holy Spirit build me up with holy boldness to withstand, Amen, and I draw the bloodline of Jesus over the whole lot, Amen. So be it Lord Jesus to do it!”

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


(1 Timothy 4:1-6) “The Spirit says clearly that some people will abandon the faith in later times; they will obey lying spirits and follow the teachings of demons. Such teachings are spread by deceitful liars, whose consciences are dead, as if burnt with a hot iron. Such people teach that it is wrong to marry and to eat certain foods. But God created those foods to be eaten, after a prayer of thanks, by those who are believers and have come to know the truth. Everything that God has created is good; nothing is to be rejected, but everything is to be received with a prayer of thanks because the word of God and the prayer make it acceptable to God.”

“God never ordained us to have a life of misery, joyless, and unenterprising, no, He told us to be thankful in all things. We are told in, (Malachi 2:6) tells us how to live in a meaningful and industrious life when we were able to follow His instructions for living in obedience, and then, “They taught what was right, not what was wrong. They lived in harmony with Me; they not only did what was right themselves, but they also helped many others to stop doing evil.” This signifies to us the meaning of God’s principles for living a lifestyle which honours Him and brings His favour into it and into our descendants as well.

We are all compelled by the sixth Commandment, “Do not commit murder.” (Deuteronomy 5:17), and in (Matthew 5:6) we learn from Jesus how we are to be, “Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully!” These are the words of Jesus speaking against those who do not choose to obey His Commandments, for when someone murders another from having the life that God chose for them, then they have become a part of the evil one’s plans instead, to cheat, steal and destroy, from having harmony one with another under God’s blessings for them.

An example of this is the “fatal attractions lifestyle” which can murder a person’s true identity of being happy, into a life of hatred one for the other. Jesus talked about hatred and anger in (Matthew 5:21-22) “You have heard that people were told in the past, ‘Do not commit murder; anyone who does will be brought to trial.’ But now I tell you; if you are angry with your brother you will be brought to trial, if you call your brother ‘You good-for-nothing!’ you will be brought before the Council, and if you call your brother a worthless fool you will be in danger of going to the fire of hell.”

This depicts the sort of lifestyle one who has been lured into believing the lies told them of flattery and deceit to obtain their attention and favour, will become part of the “fatal attractions lifestyle” of the evil one’s plan to steal, and cheat from having the lifestyle plan of God their Creator, for that which was not intended for their good. We are told as believers to treat others as we would have others treat us, well if one person allows the “fatal attractions lifestyle” to become part of their life, then most certainly all will be forgotten of the lifestyle which brings harmony and a peaceful existence with thanksgiving to God for the good in their lives, but turns around to be a very hard and callous lifestyle of anger orientated lifestyle of regrets and broken promises. This “fatal attractions lifestyle” can happen within any friendship or romantic relationship, becoming a betrayal and one
of murdering the beliefs and expectations of the person who reveals themselves to be the “fatal attractions lifestyle” being connected to them brings. Many people have fallen for such friendships and relationships which sooner or later are exposed and become difficult to separate from, especially if one is married. If it is only a friendship, then excommunicate that person from having your continual friendship to regain your favour, only to give you another disappointment of seeing that they have not changed or mended their ways of deceit. So this I tell you, do not harbour any un-forgiveness towards anyone, but remember you have a choice not to remain with those who lured you into their “fatal attractions lifestyles” to harm and destroy the purpose God created us for His destiny.

This is a simple prayer to release anyone from being trapped already in a “fatal attractions lifestyle,” or anybody who has been betrayed by a friend who has been revealed to have been a deceiver and a liar, to see clearly once again, to regain God’s plan and purpose for their well-being and harmonious life with the true intended friendships and romantic relationships God has intended from the start, before we were inclined to the “fatal attractions lifestyles” –

*”Dear Lord Jesus, you know more about betrayal than any living person, for you hung on that cross, betrayed by the very people to whom you were sent for their salvation by God the Father. I now realize that I also have been betrayed and deceived into believing lies told to me to gain access into my life to receive what I have received through your favours to me. I recognize now that I have fallen for the flattering words told me which have all been proven as lies told me to receive my favour and their approval to gain access into my life to steal, cheat and destroy all that I have from you, to bring misery and hopelessness into my life as a result of the anger and hatred shown to me once their plots and plans were revealed to me by my calling out for your justice in my life.

Lord Jesus, I am truly sorry for the “fatal attractions lifestyle” I have allowed in my life. So I now cast it onto you, with my repentance of it in changing my adherence to not be angry or hateful as a result of my betrayal by those whom I cherished as true and loyal friendships and relationships.I thankyou Lord Jesus for disclosing all the hidden agendas in my life to hurt and dispel me from the life you have already destined for me for my good and thanksgiving to you. I have shown bitterness and rejection to those who have harmed me, so I now repent of anger, resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness, curses self-imposed and from others as a result of the “fatal attractions lifestyle,” which has been harbouring within me for some time now and not allowing me to move forward in a trusting way. I am sorry for any displays of my anger and disappointments of frustration at the wasted time spent in those erroneous friendships and relationships, by having an outward disregard of trusting my family and loved ones who have always been there for me from long ago with caring hearts and forgiveness always of my mood swings towards them, whenever I recall the past or any present broken friendships and relationships due to betrayal and deceit. I am sorry for taking it out on those who do truly care for me, especially you Lord Jesus, whom I have also blamed for allowing this to happen to me. I am truly sorry for all my sins on this account. I thankyou Lord Jesus to forgive and cleanse me of all my unrighteousness with your precious blood, and I now ask you Father God to now send your Holy Spirit to fill all those areas of my life and body with the perfection of your Kingdom to regain your momentum back into my life for your destiny.

I now ask for your guidance Jesus, for you are the way, the truth, and the life I choose, to direct my steps to those who are sincere and true and loyal, but to be able to discern from the onset of danger, any who are not genuine, that I can set apart from them without delay, and warn others, and they will heed as well.

Lord Jesus, make me the kind of person you created me for your purposes fulfilled and not man’s desires against your will. I dedicate all that I am, and all that I have to you Lord Jesus, Amen!

In Jesus’ name I forgive and forget everything from myself and others for the past and present. I thankyou Lord Jesus to draw your precious bloodline over the whole lots, Amen! So be it Lord Jesus to do it!”

Sunday, July 6, 2014


(Mendacity – a spirit of deceit)
“Too many folk believe that they are correct and give criticism to all churches for their cult-like manner displayed in various churches around the world, and then base their judgement invariably upon their succession of experiences.
God did not say to man to rule over man – but to fellowship together – and to greet one another with a kiss of brotherly love, (Romans 16:16) “Greet one another with the kiss of peace” as for Christ who is the head, and the church- who are the people – to fellowship.
Any community of churches governing the people to do as they control over their mindsets, is not of God – (Romans 16:17-18) “I urge you my friends; watch out for those who cause divisions and upset people’s faith and go against the teaching which you have received.  Keep away from them!  For those who do such things are not serving Christ our Lord, but their own appetites.  By their fine words and flattering speech they deceive innocent people.”  Displays this attitude by giving flattering words of acceptance, and pretence just to fill their popularity needs – to show their church is popular by the people’s attendances.  God is not in the number game, for He looks at the heart, and knows the truth – a person who has a genuine servitude to Him, will be sincere, and doing all He can to serve God – no matter how many people are in attendance.
The loyalty factor here remains for the pastor, preacher, or priest, to direct all his sermons of the Good News to be directed to all who would hear, and then God through His Holy Spirit will convict each Christian as He ordains.  For we all have need, different it may seem, but all the same.  When a pastor, preacher, or priest give a sermon – only God knows the needs of the people, and He will designate His will to the pastor, preacher, or priest – the exact sermon appropriate for the people in attendance – to hear the Word of the Lord, specifically for them.
This means judgement has no place.
*Prayer:  “We all believe that God is love and love has no ill-feelings towards others, only a genuine nature to treat others as they would want for themselves.  So let’s all put our different denominations aside, and know that we serve a great God, who is Sovereign above all, and may we receive the grace of the Lord Jesus within us all, and give praise to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all in One, who promotes all the gifts of the Spirit unilaterally within the body of Christ – us His church – for the glory of God the Father, Amen!
And may we be forgiven for all our sins with regard to “opposition to the churches by the churches” within my life, to be freed of all accountability to others, but to serve the One True God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen!  And we now draw the bloodline of Jesus over the whole lots of differences between us bringing division amongst us on account of “opposition to the churches by the churches,” Amen!  So be it Lord Jesus to do it!”