Saturday, September 10, 2011


This is to tell of the wonderment of hearing the Lord’s voice in the times most needed – for answers to questions of how to approach a situation, and also how to accomplish a task, or indecision to carry out a plan – they all can be addressed like this – “Lord God Almighty, I thankyou to enlighten me in your word for this matter.” This petition of request, sufficiently is all that’s required by God to answer your needs.

My whole life I was seeking to hear from the Lord to steer me on His course, and now without delay He responds always without delay. I am confident that with every response the Lord gives me, it’s always for my best interests and for my family’s benefits.

How can anyone choose to live without God’s input in their lives? I know that when I was in the world – before I was born again –everything was difficult – but since then I have only to ask our dear Lord Jesus, and He guides me perfectly where I need to be.

Even when I thought I’d made a decision to go to church one Saturday evening – I had all my clothes laid out, ready to get dressed for, but I’d remembered that I hadn’t asked God if it was His will for me to go to church on that Saturday night? I’m glad I did, because as it turned out, the Lord’s choice was that I remain home with my husband and granddaughter.

God’s purposes are so high above ours, and I know now after many mistakes, that to obey God is my only position to take – for “The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever.”
He loves our families too and asks many a time, that we stay with our families rather than leave them for church – God knows everything, and I choose to listen to Him always because He makes all things perfect. And so I believe by listening and obeying Him even not to go to church and stay home with our family, is His will alone, and no matter what I may have planned to do – He has it all set out for our family’s welfare and ours, if we choose His way first.

I thought it was sin not to go to church on Sundays, but I have learnt that Jesus looked after His family – the disciples and the needy people who were hurt and diseased. He never abandoned them no matter what day it was, I believe that God is pleased when we choose Peace within our family, and to take care of their needs before we think of leaving them to go to church by ourselves.
The same applies with family functions on Sundays – the Lord chooses us to care for them and spend time with them.

God is merciful, and I believe now that He has kept me home rather than go to the church building sometimes, because He wants us to exhibit compassion and humility to our families, for God is good and He is always compassionate to us as we deserve, and so in the times our family allocates time together – I believe God is pleased with us to be in their company, and not to leave them. It is not a sin if you do not go to church – The fourth Commandment – God requires us to keep the Sabbath holy – when we worship Him by loving and spending quality time with our family as well as going to church to fellowship – it’s all pleasing to God, for where God guides – He does provide – Peace always be your rule- to honour and obey the Lord.

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