Tuesday, July 2, 2013


According to (Proverbs 18:3) “When wickedness comes, so does contempt,
and with shame comes reproach.” (reproach: to find fault with a person (blame) 

“Contempt means;  – scorn, shame; disgrace; disdain (to look down as unworthy or despicable); to scorn (mockery); disobedience of the rules of agreement, and breaks them.

These are the features of a contemptuous person’s characteristics, which are so far from any character God intended for His creation of human beings made in His imagery.

To rectify this character’s obsolete definition of those around them – this is what we need to pray:  Remembering that they were not originally that way, and what happened to them along life’s paths of a defensive nature – not turning to God, but rather to the wickedness and revengeful nature of Satan – then contempt is invited into the person’s, co-habitual order of extremes displayed in their character being two different persons.  At one instance they are naturally good natured, but the reversal from good to bad occurs when they are anxious and self-minded – they turn outwardly to abuse and blame for the events around them, as being of a fault finding them, to blame and shame and ridicule with an abusive nature.  This then turns the whole scene into a shame and blame game, where the other person has no idea what’s bothering the contemptuous person to sharply reproach them, then a while later the person who displayed the contempt – is sweet and back to a normal mode of character.  How can this be we ask?  Well at some point a “Marxist spirit” advocating supremacy to the host body, was given power through that person’s character to promote a “Marxist” character to demean or lower in standard with words of an abusive nature to those whom they live with – to make them feel unwanted, which denotes them to the point of a breakup of communication and a relationship with that person they inflicted their contemptuous ways to - leading to one of them (either of them) to leave the home or premises.

(Philippians 4:5-7) “Show a gentle attitude towards everyone.  The Lord is coming soon.  Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking Him with a thankful heart.  And God’s peace which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.”  This is our proof of character God wants us to be – so as we have learnt from the above explanation, could it be that we have, or someone we love is inhibited by the Marxist spirit? If you have witnessed, or been the one who has inflicted upon another person your supremacy over them – then take action in identifying the Marxist spirit to be the cause of your contemptuous lifestyle, under the submission of one who is close to you inflicting abuse constantly for your actions in any circumstance, to demean and make you feel unwanted or worthy of their presence.   Jesus has covered this need - by us to remain vigilant to the deceiver’s (Satan’s) attacks at us who are Christians – through a loved one who attacks us with a Marxist spirit of hatred and revenge at us for being Christians, with a special blessing in (Philippians 1:9-11) which I recommend for us all to pray out loud – “This we pray, that our love may abound still more and more, in knowledge and all discernment that we may approve the things that are excellent, that we may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Christ Jesus to the glory and praise of God, Amen.” 

Now that we have been made righteous in Christ Jesus, let’s remove the Marxist spirit of contemptuous lifestyle from our lives and those of whom we love: 

“Lord Jesus we now take the authority of Your name Jesus and bind up the Marxist spirit of contemptuous lifestyle from within myself, and (your family member’s names).  We command in the name of Jesus for the Marxist spirit of contemptuous lifestyle to be loosed from me, and (your family member’s names), and to go to where Jesus has allocated for them.

I now ask You Jesus to wash and cleanse me and (your family member’s names), with Your precious blood Jesus, and renew our hearts and minds to conform to Your standards of living a life ideally in Your imagery, Amen.

Jesus we repent of all the Marxist spirit contemptuous lifestyle.  We now renounce Satan and all his ways contrary to Your will for us in our living the life and destiny You have created for us.

We are truly sorry for our offences against You Lord Jesus and ask that You now take control of my life and (your family member’s names), to make us a new creation honouring You Jesus to the honour and glory and praise of God the Father, Amen.

May the Holy Spirit bequeath to us all the necessary gifts for us to bear fruits of truth and loving one another as Jesus commanded us to do: in loving the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind (Matthew 22:37) Amen.

Lord Jesus we are truly sorry for offending  You and others we have hurt with our actions and deeds of the Marxist contemptuous lifestyle, and I now draw the bloodline of Jesus over the whole lot, Amen.  So be it Lord Jesus do it.”

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