Wednesday, December 6, 2017


“According to (2 Samuel 22:33 GNT), “This God is my strong refuge; He makes my pathway safe.”  It’s true in every aspect of the word.  My pathway is safe because of the wonderments of the Lord’s provisions ahead of me daily, improvising for my losses with His goodness and mercies daily.  God, is always wanting to protect us from harm’s way in directing our paths as we proceed forward, not in our own strength, but in His capacity to be sure footed every step of the way we encounter on life’s challenges daily, to be ever faithful and true to His Word of Truth Jesus stands for in leading and guiding us into His provisions for our good, and never to harm us.
At Christmas time we can see how much change occurs from the daily routines, with people busy shopping for gifts to give one another in exchange during Christmas celebrations, and to put under the tree as a gift from santa.  This was never God’s intention that people had to be stressed to the max about what to choose for gifts at Christmas time, but rather the opposite, to accept His gift of Jesus Christ, His beloved Son, for whom we celebrate Christmas and God’s greatest gift of love, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16 ).  This gift of Jesus is free for all to receive Him as our Saviour in all of life’s strategies, to uphold the peace within our heart and soul and mind to, “Have reverence for God, and obey His commands, because this is all that we were created for.  God is going to judge everything we do whether good or bad, even things done in secret.” (Ecclesiastes 11:13-14 GNT).
God does not want us to perish ever from His good will through Jesus to us, to testify of His love in all our display of character, especially at Christmas time when everything is hectic and the rush and bustle is everywhere to be seen, with more traffic about, more shoppers in the malls, and people carrying their goods in trolleys back to their cars to take home for the festive season of Christmas.  Have a look at their faces-- is gladness apparent—or is stress and anxiety obvious in their demeanour?  Jesus came that we might have a life of joy and peace remembering Him always, but especially at Christmas time, for Jesus is the reason for the season, and we should heed what the angels sang announcing Jesus’ birth to the shepherds in the fields in (Luke 2:14 NKJV) “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men!”  Peace and good will is our gift to each other, displaying God’s love for us and the free gift of good will to men, and women and children alike, persevering with great patience at Christmas in all that we say and do, never complaining, but cheerfully giving of our peace and good will and courteousness to others to share the love of God especially now with the forthcoming Christmas day approaching with, “the unseen wonderments of the Lord,” providing for all our needs without any anxiety or stress on our part, but to trust Him with all our plans for a super special Christmas day honouring God’s greatest gift to us, Jesus the Lord, and second to none.
One more aspect of Christmas is the commercialism of this time, to buy and pay later.  This is offensive to God because Christmas is supposed to be a joyous time, and not a worrying time for after Christmas day in how to pay for the items bought to satisfy our ambitious giving to receive appraisal.  God wants us to be happy—not stressed out, so if you would like help in this area, please pray for, the unseen wonderments of the Lord, to guide and provide for what we can truly afford to give monetarily with joy, and not over spending our capacity:
*”Lord Jesus, I come to you now with thanksgiving and praise for becoming your Father’s greatest gift to me.  I need you Jesus more and more in my life at this particular time of Christmas.  Help me by your grace through the Holy Spirit Jesus, to remain peaceful at all times with a sound mind to not give in to the commercialism of this season, but to be a joyous giver in my spending adequately for the gifts and Christmas day celebration provisions in my budget capacity.
I thank you Lord Jesus, that you are the focus for me at this time and especially beyond, that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”  According to (Philippians 4:13), to remain constant and stable in my purchases of goods within my budget capacity, debt free for the coming New Year, where I will trust in the unseen wonderments of the Lord who, “is my strong refuge; He makes my pathway safe,” Amen!”
“Have a happy and joyous New Year!”



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