Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Who You Are In Christ

Please note, this next insight is written as though Jesus himself is talking to you. This is how I received the text, as follows:

The next topic for discussion is all about 'who you are in Christ.' Many people fail to realise that it is I who lives in you, and therefore it is I that must rule in your hearts at all times. Galations 2:20 says "so that it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me." It is through My unfailing love for you that we walk together hand in hand, one foot after the other, traversing rugged mountain ranges and very high cliff tops, all the while noticing the many miracles and wonderful scenery along the way.

It is only when you lose trust in Me that I cannot connect you with the many blessings that are in store for My Children. It takes courage and dedication to remain firm in your trust and faith. It is no easy task for the human being with all its frailties and weaknesses, however, all I ask is for you to trust Me with a childlike trust that all will be provided for, and that all of your needs will be met.

Put your faith in Me the way a baby trusts its mother to take care of them. Matthew 6:26 says "Look at the birds; they do not plant seeds, gather a harvest and put it in barns; yet your Father in heaven takes care of them! Aren't you worth much more than birds?"

It's very easy to get caught up in the demands of living that you tend to forget who you are. Striving for fulfilment in the outside world can leave you feeling battered and torn with an emptiness that can only be filled by Me. This is how I designed you to be, so that you would turn to Me for your fulfilment and needs, and so that you and I would live in close communion each day.

This is how your faith grows - by coming to Me for everything your heart desires and giving all your cares and burdens to Me. Psalm 68:19 says "Praise the Lord, who carries our burdens day after day." When one learns to do this on a daily basis, one can then begin to experience My power and grace flowing not only to you, but also through you and out to others.

This is how they see Me - through you. Then you can become a blessing to the world, and an example of how one should live a life in Christ. All areas in your life begin to change rapidly. People in your life begin to see the changes in you. They see branches bearing fruit where once there were none. Psalm 1:3 says "They are like trees that grow beside a stream, that bear fruit at the right time, and whose leaves do not dry up. They succeed in everything they do."

When one commits to this new way of living, then one can truly begin to receive their inheritance, with all the many blessings arriving on their doorstep! Sounds too good to be true doesn't it? Believe it because it's true. These are among the many promises I give to you. You only have to read the Bible to see promise after promise for My followers. Hebrews 10:23 NKJV states "He who promised is faithful."

Let me begin to transform your life. Commit now to a life with Me in your heart and by your side, and you will be amazed at the wondrous blessings that I will bestow upon thee. And when someone asks you 'what it is you have been doing to achieve such success,' you can then tell them "it is no longer I who live, but it is christ who lives in Me." Amen.

PS  These words today have been written as though our Lord is speaking through me to you. This is how they 'came to me', and I believe that I have transcribed them perfectly as the Lord intended. Amen.

Glory be to the Father, son and Holy Spirit as always. Amen.

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